Sunday 10 August 2014

Bundt Cake

今日之烘焙是为了清货。哈哈。要过期了才愿意去开炉。另一个原因也是因为想练习用bundt mould。第一次用它的时候,脱模失败,当下真的是心如刀割。所谓失败乃成功之母,这一次脱模顺利完成,完全是成功!

使用cake mixture,担心蛋糕烘好会偏干,所以食谱里其中的两个鸡蛋用了分蛋technique。
巧克力就单纯把它融化,drizzle在中间里,but texture吃起来有点怪怪的,就好像吃着柔软的蛋糕,突然吃到硬的东西在里头。所以我建议把巧克力mix在1/3的batter里,做成marble蛋糕会比较好吃。
  • Nona Butter Cake Vanilla 400g
  • Unsalted Butter 290g (replaced 1/2 with flax seed oil) 
  • 4 Eggs 
  • Chocolate bar 100g 

- Grease& flour the bundt mould evenly.
- Melt the chocolate bar by double boiler technique.
- Separate two egg white and beat with electric mixture until soft stiff peak, then set aside.
- Mix the residual eggs gradually one at a time into whole pack of Nona Butter Cake Vanilla mix using electrical mixer in medium speeds for 3 minutes.
- Add in butter and mix in low speed for 1 minute until light and fluffy.
- Fold in the egg white into the batter. 

- Pour half of the batter into bundt mould, drizzle the chocolate in the middle, pour the other half of batter to cover up the chocolate. 

- Bake in 180 Celsius for 45 - 50 minutes.
- Let the cake cool in the mould for about 20 minutes
- Flip the cake on the wire rack and let it cool completely before slicing. 

 This post is linking to the Little Thumbs Up event for August month, Theme of Wheat Flour , which organized by Zoe from BakeForHappyKids, Mui Mui from MyLittleFavouriteDIY, hosted by Diana from Domestic Goddness Wannabe.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thea,

    Your butter bundt cake looks very delicious having a layer of chocolate sandwich in between. Yum!

